Generally, each Amnesty entity will have a policy describing the appropriate time of notice before the Director’s exit. Generally, in the movement, some Amnesty entities stipulate that the exiting Director hands at least a three month notice. Given the importance of our work, and the coordination needed at the national, regional and international level, changes in leadership should be managed and prepared in advance. With enough time to plan a managed exit, both the exiting Director and the new Director coming into the role have sufficient time to assure leadership continuity. 

The participation of entity Boards in this process is paramount to ensure that the exiting Director is able to dedicate some time to reflect on their responsibilities and activities that may need to be formally handed over, and carry out a thorough and honest exit interview. Learning from a process of leadership change can help adapt the Director’s job description and wellbeing. This is also an opportunity to show appreciation and recognition for the work done. 

During the time for preparing the Director’s managed exit, the Board should also plan the process for recruitment of the new Director (see more in the module: Elect – Recruit). 


The suggested process below, outlines the main activities involved during this departure phase.

Moreover, through the Movement Building Programme, your Regional Capacity Building Coordinator can also provide support on:

  • Advising on all steps of the managed exit process, good practice and Amnesty guidelines.

  • Advising on different ways to capture feedback of the exiting entity Director.

  • Connecting you to other entities who may be able to provide advice or support.

  • Advising on all steps of the recruitment process, good practice and Amnesty guidelines around equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion, etc.

  • Advising on different ways to ensure a rigorous and fair process, including involvement of external agencies or individuals.

  • Providing sample documents such as Job Descriptions, person specifications, and how to advertise the position.

  • Advice on interview panel composition, including members from around the movement if needed.

See Resources for tools about Preparing for Director Exit.